I got to know Tom as very flexible, broad thinking and willing to go the extra mile. He is a bright light and knows how to motivate others around him to follow through, even in difficult times. Tom is one of the few people I know that understands how to combine the Humanity in business with achieving results and I respect him for that. I'm sure he will continue his quest towards a better organisation and acquiring knowledge. I remember us working together as an inspiring, collaborative quest and would recommend Tom to anybody willing to move on to explore new territory.
Jürgen De Smet
Chief Simplification Officer
The coaching brought me clarity about my persona and my real self. Tom senses intuitively, brings to the surface what needs to be seen and he carefully supports you to understand what you see.
Suzana P. Nikforova
Brand Consultant
There are few people that, no matter what company I worked for or what project I was doing, frequently crossed my path and ended up in a successful collaboration. I am impressed by Tom’s skills to build bridges and to bring together apparent competing interests to lead and deliver a successful program. Tom possess the rare mixture of skills to manage programs in a structured manner, thereby creating a drive within the team and the individual to go the extra mile and to grow as professional, while ensuring that the collective work delivers the intended business benefits.
Johan Vanwelkenhuysen
I definitely had a great experience with Tom. This coaching journey came at the right moment where I was at a crossroad in my life. Just after our first session I already did feel a positive impact on myself. I am really grateful because Tom was the perfect company in the discovery of myself. I always felt understood and supported. I would say he creates an atmosphere of trust where you can speak openly about any issue. I did recommend Tom to a friend and I will recommend him again.
Gisela Gomez Garcia
Sustainability Consultant
De coaching was intens en hielp me om op een diepere manier naar mezelf te kijken. Laagje per laagje. De metaforen die de oude (opgejaagde zebra) en nieuwe manier (geaarde flamencodanseres) van zijn inzichtelijk maakten, waren belangrijke aha momenten voor me. Ik voelde me gezien. En het pad tussen beiden was uitdagend maar boeiend. Waar ik dacht te weinig tijd te hebben, was ik verbaasd hoe eenvoudig en toch intens en krachtig de oefeningen waren. Ze bleven ook interessant door hun creativiteit. Ik kon het perfect integreren in mijn dagelijkse rate race. Keep it simple met een maximaal effect! De goesting en noodzaak om coaching te volgen was er. Het vertrouwen in Tom ook.
Tina Baeten
Tom is a passionate manager who pioneers with Agile Leadership and builds organizations as living systems. Now working as a company coach to build on organizations of the future!
Pascale Van Loo
Director P&O at Syntra Vlaanderen